Recruitment Schedule for the 2025/2026 Academic Year has been announced
More information related to the application process can be found here.

Applications for the 25th edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Program FOR WOMEN AND SCIENCE

Class schedule – summer semester 2024/2025
Classes for an upcoming summer term.

Our doctoral student, Ms. Drashti Parmar, achieves a remarkable milestone!

Mobility for doctoral students -IDUB
Call for applications: 20.01.2025 – 17.02.2025 – VIII edition

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Due to Christmas break the Academia Copernicana office will be closed between December 23nd-January 6th.

Mobility competition for doctoral students – 7th edition
Mobility competition for doctoral students - Considerable success of Academia Copernicana Doctoral Students!

Remarkable success of our doctoral student M.Sc. Eng. Marcin Rygielski.
Our doctoral student M.Sc. Eng. Marcin Rygielski made it big! Winning a prestigious PRELUDIUM pre-doctoral grant in the amount of 69 890 PLN.

Invitation to "Academia Copernicana Christmas Party”
Join us on Wednesday December 4 for a festive celebration to foster a sense of community and inclusion within our Doctoral School. It will not be a waste of your precious time!

New Regulations of the doctoral school of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Effective as of October 1, 2024

The recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.

2024/2025 RECRUITMENT TO ACADEMIA COPERNICANA - Selection of PhD Candidates
Take the next step in your academic journey and apply to Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School!

Expand your horizons and join YUFE DIOSI Model for Doctoral Learning
- Participate in the YUFE Pilot on ‘Doctoral Learning’

The I stage of the recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.
The list of qualified doctoral projects can be found here.

Grant Recruitment – PhD position within NCN OPUS-25 Project available
Grant Recruitment – PhD position available
If you want to join one of the most dynamic academic communities in Europe and work with top-quality mentors – apply now!

Call for proposals for doctoral projects is now open for submissions.

Wishing you a season filled with peace, joy and beautiful memories.
Let it be a time of kindness, optimism and the opportunity for rest and reflection.
- Academia Copernicana staff members -

Grants4NCUStudents - 8th edition
A new call for applications: 01.03.2024 – 29.03.2024

Invitation to the workshop "Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Accounting" (March 11-13, 2024)
Invitation to the workshop "Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services and Environmental Accounting" to be conducted by Prof. Pier Paolo Franzese and Prof. Elvira Buonocore.

Invitation to a course for PhD Candidates entitled SOLARIS National Centre - synchrotron radiation for science
Invitation to a course - SOLARIS National Centre - synchrotron radiation for science organised by The SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre.

The procedure for completion of education at the Doctoral School

PhDNCU - a brand new mobile application for doctoral candidates on Android devices
Dear PhD Candidates,
we strongly encourage you to download (and use of course :) ) the PhDNCU – a mobile application for doctoral candidates on Android devices.

A new schedule for competitions for doctoral students within IDUB program in 2024
Schedule of calls for proposals and competitions under the IDUB UMK program in 2024 is available here

Wishing you a great Christmas celebration and happy holidays!
- Academia Copernicana staff members -
Due to Christmas break the Academia Copernicana office will be closed between December 22nd-January 8th.

Invitation to „Academia Copernicana Day - internationalisation and integration” December 15th
We would like to invite you to participate in “Academia Copernicana Day - internationalisation and integration”.

Invitaion to NAWA-STER Workshop - Science, Safety, Communication and Open Entrepreneurship. International Aspects.
Invitaion to NAWA-STER Workshop - Science, Safety, Communication and Open Entrepreneurship. International Aspects.

Invitation to NAWA-STER Workshop: Interdisciplinary workshop presenting the latest methods of editing cartographic sources and urban researchpossibilities
When? Tuesday, October 24th , 1:30 pm
Where? Collegium Humanisticum, room C.0.39

Invitaion to NAWA-STER Workshop - Road To Abroad - Explore international research opportunities!
To encourage you to explore international research opportunities, to exchange your experience and ideas and to integrate PhD students community at Nicolaus Copernicus University, you are cordially invited to participate in a short event: a concise workshop showing examples of profitable international exchanges.

Mid-term evaluation - RESULTS

Why Study At NCU Doctoral Schools?
We are pleased to present you a brand new promotional video of our 5 doctoral schools. Enjoy it!
You can watch the video here.

Best Poster Award
The award was given to our doctoral candidate Ms Aditi Singh for presneting the best poster at theTwenty-sixth International Workshop on QUANTUM SYSTEMS IN CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND BIOLOGY in Jaipur (Rajasthan) India, 14-20 October 2023.

Grants4NCUStudents - 7th edition
The objective of the call for proposals "Grants4NCUStudents" is to support the scientific, artistic and conservation initiatives of students and doctoral students which are in line with four the most important objectives of the NCU as a research university (4xI@NCU), namely: internationalization, interdisciplinarity, innovation and integrity.

Mobility for PhD students - 5th edition
On October 2nd, 2023, the call for applications in the competition for the mobility of doctoral students begins.
The competition is organized within the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program.

The recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.

Trainings for doctoral students
A new competition for doctoral students’ training!
The competition is organized within the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program.

As the summer holiday season is arriving, The Academia Copernicana administrative office will be closed from August 1st to August 16th.

The I stage of the recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.

The first graduate of Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School!
A milestone achievement as the first PhD Candidate of Academia Copernicana successfully defends his thesis!

Invitation to the lecture
We kindly invite you to participate in the Summer School organized by the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences within the scope of NAWA-STER project.
The seminars will be led by Professor Sara Pugliese, who currently works at the Department of Law, Parthenope University of Naples and conducts research in EU Law.

The schedule for 2023/2024 recruitment to Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been announced.

In accordance with the Order No. 31 of March 1st 2023 of the NCU Rector regarding the organizational changes in the University administration, on April 1st 2023 the Doctoral Schools Office has been established.

YUFE Student Journey
Registration for the YUFE Student Journey Program continues until May 26, 2023.

Sign up for the online YUFE OPEN DAY to hear more about the amazing learning opportunities you can pick from across Europe. YUFE offers a new way of studying in Europe, escalating your international experience while boosting your knowledge and skills. A journey which allows you to choose your own learning path whilst continuing your current study programme.

Mid-term evaluation - RESULTS

Summer semester class
Information on obligatory Scientific Data Presentation and Copyright II class conducted by dr Katarzyna Krupa-Lipińska.

Ms. Ewa Sułek awarded the prestigious scholarship
Ms. Ewa Sułek, a graduate of Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, has received a prestigious scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Join MOST Student Mobility Program!
We encourage you to join the MOST Student Mobility Program!
The MOST Program is aimed at students and PhD students whose research interests may be pursued outside their home university.

Nature Masterclasses
The professional online courses on the Nature Masterclasses platform, developed by Nature Research, whose publisher is the prestigious Nature weekly, have been launched for NCU users.

Inviation for NAWA STER workshop entitled "Doctoral candidates meet distinguished professors".
When? Thursday, January 26th, 2023, 12:00-14:30.
Where? Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics (NCU), 5 Grudziądzka Street (room no. 26, left wing, 1st floor).

Another success of an Academia Copernicana doctoral student!
The Wisława Szymborska Foundation Board has selected Ms. Ewa Sułek, a PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, as this year's resident of the Wisława Szymborska's apartment.

NAWA-STER seminar
As the end of the second year of the NAWA–STER project: Internationalization of PhD Schools at NCU: a platform for joint and double degree (PhD@NCU) is approaching rapidly, it was the time for our doctoral students, the beneficiaries of the project, to reflect on their progress and participate in the evaluation seminar.

Interdisciplinarity in research – Winter Camp at NCU
Are you a FOREIGNER (do not have Polish citizenship)?
Are you a PhD STUDENT?
Are you very interested in your field of study or related sciences?
Our Winter Camp is for YOU!!!

Training for academics, doctoral students and support staff - How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon Europe
Given the positive feedback on the first edition of the training and the great interest in the methodology of acquiring Horizon Europe funding, we once again invite all academics, doctoral students and support staff to participate in an English-language workshop on this topic.

Mid-term evaluation 2023
Information for 2nd-year PhD students regarding the mid-term evaluation at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.

Book publication by Ms. Ewa Sułek
Ms. Ewa Sułek, a PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, has published a book titled "Zwierzęta, które zjadły swoich ludzi" (literal translation: The animals who ate their people) in both Polish and Ukrainian languages.

Wishing you a great Christmas celebration and happy holidays!
- Academia Copernicana staff members -

“The social dimension of science” workshop recap
A two-day workshop on the subject of “The social dimension of science” conducted by an experienced coach from Poznan Science and Technology Park (PSTP) was held on 7th-8th December.

"Public speaking and investor pitching" workshop recap
Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School hosted a workshop on 16-17 November 2022, "Public speaking and investor pitching" , which sought to introduce participants to current techniques of developing a planned approach to making a project investable.

Academia Copernicana Welcoming Day – Internationalisation Across Disciplines and Cultural Integration
On October 12th, 2022, Academia Copernicana doctoral students came together to participate in the inauguration of Academic Year 2022/2023 and celebrate both the rich diversity of our vibrant community and the multi- and inter-disciplinary approach to teaching and learning.

Invitation for workshop
It is hard to overestimate the value of international cooperation in XXI century science. To encourage you to visit foreign lab/research groups, to exchange your experience and ideas and to integrate PhD students community at Nicolaus Copernicus University, you are cordially invited to participate in a short event: a concise workshop showing examples of profitable international exchanges.

Mid-term evaluation - RESULTS

The II round of recruitment to the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has begun!

International Summer School for PhD Students
We kindly invite you to participate in the Summer School organized by the Warsaw University of Technology within the scope of NAWA program.
12-16th September 2022
Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT (Warsaw University of Technology)

Invitation to the lecture
We invite you to participate in the lecture entitled "The green analytical methods in pharmaceutical and clinical analysis".

SUMMER SCHOOL – Invitation to seminars on Artificial Intelligence and Law
We kindly invite you to participate in the Summer School organized by the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences within the scope of NAWA-STER project.
The seminars will be led by Professor Hin-Yan Liu from the University of Copenhagen*.

Academia Copernicana administration office

Invitation for student festival PIERNIKALIA 2022

SUMMER SCHOOL - Lectures for Academia Copernicana students
Invitation for PhD Students of Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School and Doctoral School of Humanities, Theology and Arts to the lecture given by Prof. dr Kurt Villads Jensen (University of Stockholm) and Prof. dr Kirsi Leena Salonen (University of Bergen).

SUMMER SCHOOL - Online lecture for Academia Copernicana students
Invitation for Academia Copernicana PhD students to the lecture given by dr Maristella Alessio from the Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California.

SUMMER SCHOOL - Online lecture for Academia Copernicana students
Invitation for Academia Copernicana PhD students to the lecture given by dr Charlotte Pearson from University of Arizona.

Health insurance for PhD students
Information addressed to the PhD students who are the citizens of non-EU countries

Funding recruitment for PhD students for research internships and conferences
Call for PROM II international exchange program.

Health insurance for doctoral students

International mobility for PhD students
Don’t miss out on the opportunity! International mobility of doctoral students – 1st Call for applications (January 2021).

'Grants4NCUStudents' competition results
The PhD students of Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School - Ms. Ewa Sułek, Ms. Zofia Szota and Ms. Paulina Idczak - are the laureates of the 3rd edition of the Grants4NCUStudents competition.

New PhD Students at Academia Copernicana
List of accepted applicants to the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School for the academic year of 2021/2022:

The II round of the recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.

NAWA STER RECRUITMENT Joint doctoral project available for candidates!
Joint doctoral project available for candidates!
We welcome applications to a PhD student position in NAWA funded STER scholarship leading to a joint or double doctoral degree in Physical Sciences.

Mid-term evaluation - RESULTS

The II round of admission process to the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has begun!

PhD student position available!
Nicolaus Copernicus University is one of ten Polish universities which obtained the status of a research university.
If you want to join one of the most dynamic academic communities in Europe and work with top-quality mentors – apply now!

Joint doctoral project available for candidates!

Schedule of the round II of recruitment for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

The I round of the recruitment procedure for the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been completed.

Rector's Award for Academia Copernicana PhD student
We are pleased to inform you that Ms. Ewelina Kołakowska, a 3rd year PhD student at Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, was one of the prize-winners awarded by Professor Andrzej Sokala, the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University.

Fulbright Junior Research Award 2021/2022
Ms. Ewa Sułek, a PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been awarded the Fulbright Junior Research Award 2021-2022 for her research project “Museology and Curatorial Strategies in War-torn Post-Soviet Kyiv”.

Julia Siepak has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre
A PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, Ms. Julia Siepak, has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre.

Piotr Kołodziejczak has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre
Mr. Piotr Kołodziejczak, a PhD student at the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre.

Academia Copernicana 2020/2021 recruitment

PhD position available
Project NCN: OPUS – NZ
Deadline for submitting offers: 24 August 2020, 00:00
Form of submitting offers: email: hrynk@umk.pl

Announcement of the Rector of NCU
Announcement of the Rector of NCU on guidelines and recommendations concerning the spread of SARS-CoV-2

Vernissage of the individual exhibition of paintings and graphics by Ewelina Kołakowska entitled "Interludium / Niente"
Vernissage of the individual exhibition of paintings and graphics by Ewelina Kołakowska entitled "Interludium / Niente" took place on September 13th.

New scientific projects in the Academia Copernicana
In the admissions for academic year 2019/2020, five scientific projects were accepted.

A new quality in international PhD education
The PhD becomes interdisciplinary, not only in Poland.