In the admissions for academic year 2019/2020, five scientific projects were accepted.
The scientific projects - 2019/2020
- Studying cosmic voids and dark matter via Doppler lensing (prof. dr hab. Boudewijn Roukema/dr hab. Krzysztof Bolejko, University of Tasmania).
Biological sciences
- Vegetables free of human pathogenic microorganisms (HPMOs), (prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz/dr habil. Silke Ruppel, Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops).
- Xylem plasticity in response to long-term climate change (dr hab. Marcin Koprowski, prof. UMK/dr Jozica Gricar, Slovenian Forestry Institute).
- Holistic analysis of signaling molecules involved in the gibberellins/ abscisic acid -dependent response mechanism of Triticum aestivum seeds to pre-sowing treatment with magnetic field (dr hab. Adriana Szmidt Jaworska, prof. UMK/prof. Massimo Maffei, University of Turin).
Management studies
- People in Organizations (prof. dr hab. Aldona Glińska-Neweś/prof. Miguel Pereira Lopes, University of Lisbon; prof. Andre Soares, Coventry University).
Legal acts - regard persons accepted to Academia Copernicana in academic year 2019/2020
Regulation of the Academia Copernicana (Polish version)
Educational effects for the Academia Copernicana
Schedule for I year (2019/2020)
Winter semester
- Applied data analysis and statistics (dr hab. Agnieszka Piernik, prof. UMK): February 3rd-7th, hours: 9.00-10.30 and 11.30-13.00, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, ul. Lwowska 1, room XXV.
- Scientific methodology (individual tutorial with the supervisor).
Summer semester
- Successful grant application (dr hab. Ireneusz Grulkowski, prof. UMK; dr hab. Michał Wojciechowski, prof. UMK): March 9th and 16th, hours: 8.15-10.00; March 23rd, hours: 8.15-9.00, Institute of Physics, Centre for Quantum Optics (5 Grudziądzka street), room S2. March 30th, April 6th and 20th, hours: 8.15-9.45, room 52, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences (1 Lwowska street).
- Scientific data presentation and copyright I (individual tutorial with the supervisor).
Schedule for II year (2020/2021)
- Artificial intelligence and the future of scientific thinking (prof. dr hab. Włodzisław Duch).
- Scientific data presentation and copyright II (individual tutorial with the supervisor).
Schedule for III year (2021/2022)
- Ethics and intellectual property (dr hab. Radosław Sojak, prof. UMK)