European Funds KED - NAVA - UMK - IDUB - EU ESF

Academia Copernicana
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

Contact ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-26-79

Mid-term evaluation - RESULTS

Zdjęcie ilustracyjne

The members of the Mid-term Evaluation Committee have positively evaluated the materials submitted by the following doctoral students, who demonstrated the implementation of the Individual Research Plan, the presentation of research results to date, the discussion and progress in completing doctoral training curriculum:


1. Rafia Sarwar

2. Ameneh Mikaeeli

3. Aditi Singh

4. Diksha Singh

5. Adnan Hoxha

6. Xiaochen Bu

7. Klaudia Hammer

8. Karolina  Śmigielska

9. Marcin Rygielski


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