Dear PhD Candidates,
we strongly encourage you to download (and use of course :) ) the PhDNCU – a mobile application for doctoral candidates on Android devices.
PhDNCU is an official mobile application of Doctoral Schools at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, where doctoral candidates connect to necessary information.
With the PhDNCU app you always have your doctoral school in your pocket with quick and easy access to most essential functionalities. Get up-to-date information, explore events and receive push notifications for important news.
The App provides an easy-to use, personalised platform with everything you need in one place.
Features include:
- A personalized access to doctoral schools homepage
- Event counter tailored to each user
- News and other relevant content
- Easy access to directory and support information
- Notifications and announcements
- Google Translator
- Bus timetables
- Quick access to Campus maps and directions
The application is now available in the Google Play store.
Instructions for installing the PhDNCU app for smartphones with the Android operating system are available at: https://www.ac.umk.pl/panel/wp-content/uploads/Important_PhD-NCU-User-manual-mobile-app-on-Android.pdf
In short, as a doctoral student, all you need is to complete your PhD NCU profile; after completing it, you will be able to access multiple features in one single click.
The application was developed within the scope of the project entitled: “Internationalization of PhD Schools at NCU: a platform for joint and double degree (PhD@NCU)”, implemented by NCU Doctoral Schools, as part of the STER Programme – The Internationalisation of doctoral schools of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA.