European Funds KED - NAVA - UMK - IDUB - EU ESF
Academia Copernicana
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
Contact ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-26-79

Adil Zhubikenov


The first and second name Adil Zhubikenov
University Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Discipline Economics
Supervisor Prof. dr. hab. Małgorzata Jaworek
Co-supervisor Prof.  Catherine Deffains-Crapsky

(Professeur des Universités en Finance à l’Université d’Angers)


Doctoral studies: Interdisciplinary Doctoral School “Academia Copernicana”, 2020 – present, (Scholarship of NAWA)

Roczny intensywny kurs przygotowujący do podjęcia studiów w Polsce na UMK w Toruniu, 2019-2020 (Scholarship of NAWA)

Master Degree: North-East Normal University, Chang-Chung, China 2016-2017 (Scholarship of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (Shanghai Pact)

Master Degree: Narxoz University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2015-2016

Bachelor Degree: New Economic University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2010-2014

Degree and professional title:

Master of Economic science in Finance (scientific-pedagogical). Master thesis: “Monetary policy in the system of state regulation of Kazakhstan: Inflation targeting role.”

Read more:

Zhubikenov Adil (

Scientific activities


  1. Monetary Policy in the system of state regulation: Inflation Targeting role, 2016, ISSN 2224 – 5561
  2. Inflation targeting role on monetary policy of Kazakhstan, 2017, № 7, ISSN 2409-1677
  3. Analysis of inflow of foreign investment on the economy of Kazakhstan (Moscow 2020, ISBN 978-5-905695-47-6)
  4. Assessment of the impact of investment on economic growth in Kazakhstan (Moscow 2020, ISBN 978-5-905695-70-4)

Participation in conferences and seminars:

  1. December 2020 – participation in conference: Aktywność inwestycyjna polskich przedsiębiorstw w Kazachstanie – uwarunkowania i perspektywy.
  2. February 2017 – participation in conference: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (Shanghai Pact) development prospects
  3. October 2016 – Training Seminars on “Global Involvement Through Education”
  4. January 2016 Training Seminars on “Economics from an Austrian Perspective”
  5. March 2015 – Training Seminars on “Marketing and International Economic Relations”
  6. January 2014 – Conference “Monetary Policy of Kazakhstan”
  7. May 2013 – participation in conference: Kazakhstan and the world Community
  8. May 2012 – participation in conference: Role of young scientists in the development of future economy
  9. May 2012 – participation in conference: The 20 years of independence: the ways of economic and cultural development of Kazakhstan

Scientific practices:

  1. January 2017 – scientific internship at the National Bank of Kazakhstan
  2. June 2016 – an international internship program at Saint Petersburg State Economic University, under the Eurasian Business Perspective program.