European Funds KED - NAVA - UMK - IDUB - EU ESF
Academia Copernicana
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
Contact ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-26-79

The procedure for completion of education at the Doctoral School

The procedure for completion of education at the Doctoral School

The education of the doctoral student shall end with the submission of their dissertation to the
director of the school together with the opinion of the supervisor(s) on the course of study
and the quality of the doctoral dissertation.

Completion of education at the Doctoral School

  1. The dissertation can be a written work, including a scientific monograph, a collection of published and thematically related scientific articles, artistic, design, construction, technological, implementation work, as well as an independent and isolated part of a collective work. The dissertation presents the doctoral student’s general theoretical knowledge in a discipline or disciplines and the ability to conduct scientific or artistic work independently. The subject of the dissertation is an original solution to a scientific or artistic problem or an original solution to the application of the results of one’s own scientific research in the economic or social sphere.
  2. The schedule for the preparation of the dissertation and the deadline for its submission is specified in the Individual Research Plan (IPB) of the doctoral student. If the dissertation is submitted later than scheduled in the IPB, it is necessary to update the IPB in advance with an indication of the new deadline.
  3. Prior to the submission of the dissertation, the doctoral student is required to meet all the conditions specified in the Framework Program of Education and document the achievement of all learning outcomes. This means that the doctoral student must submit an annual report for the last year of education in the doctoral school which was approved and signed by the supervisor(s). The doctoral student shall submit the report for the final year of education no later than 21 days before the submission of the dissertation.
  4. No later than 14 days before the submission of the dissertation, the doctoral student shall inform the director of the doctoral school in writing of the planned date of submission of the dissertation. In addition to the date of submission of the dissertation, the information must include the title of the dissertation, the scientific discipline and the name(s) of the supervisor(s), as well as a request for a certificate of completion of training at the doctoral school and obtaining a qualification at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework (8 PRK).

Actions to be taken to submit the doctoral dissertation

  1. The doctoral student shall submit to the relevant administrative office of the doctoral school an electronic version of the doctoral dissertation, identical to the version that will be submitted before the relevant Scientific Council of the Discipline without undue delay. The doctoral student shall attach the following documentation to the dissertation submitted in pdf format on an electronic medium:
  1. The confirmation date by the director of the school of the submission of the dissertation with the required attachments is tantamount to the date of completion of doctoral student’s education at the doctoral school.
  2. Upon submission of the doctoral dissertation and fulfilment of all requirements specified in the Framework Program of Education, the doctoral student receives a certificate of completion of training at the doctoral school confirming the achievement of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PRK.

Required attachments:

Doctoral dissertation abstract_ENG


Planned date for submission of doctoral dissertation_ENG

Supervisor’s opinion_ENG